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Gâteries pour chiens Open Farm Porc déshydraté

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  • Sku: 12348

Contenu court sur votre produit.


Description du produit

Ces friandises riches en protéines sont une collation savoureuse, grâce au porc 100 % élevé sans cruauté, qui est légèrement cuit puis déshydraté pour conserver les saveurs.


Porc élevé sans cruauté, haricots garbanzo (pois chiches), mélasse, lécithine de tournesol, sel de mer, mélange de tocophérols (un conservateur naturel), extrait de romarin

Avantages du produit

Formulé pour aider les animaux à prospérer

Porc élevé humainement sans antibiotiques ni hormones de croissance

Sans glycérine

Déshydraté à basse température pour conserver
nutriments des ingrédients

Ingrédients 100% traçables

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Gâteries pour chiens Open Farm Porc déshydraté

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Customer Reviews

Based on 40 reviews
Review F.o.
My dog loves all the

My dog loves all the Open Farm Treats. They are her favourites by far.

Review F.o.
Review: Dehydrated Pork Dog Treats

My 19m old Frenchton Bo is the most pickiest eater ever. Not to mention food allergy to poultry.
Thankfully he loved pork treats and freeze dried raw food on first bite. Canadian made, Humanely raised pork, no artificial 100% traceable ingredients. Top of the line in my opinion.
I recommend Open Farm to everyone.
Thank you

Review F.o.

Love it for training, good ingredients et my dog love thème taste.

Review F.o.
Will buy again!

The pork smells great! I always use it for training my dog. My dog loves it!!!!! I think it tastes pretty good coz she is really excited when I give her this!

Review F.o.
Puppy Approved

Gryff has been ++ enjoying these pork treats! She’s still just a puppy and learning learning learning so yummy treats are a must! Love feeling confident in the quality. The texture is also nice (able to easily break them) and good for storing in a bag for walks.